viernes, 3 de julio de 2009

This is the end...

Hi to everyone who see my blog!

This post maybe would be the last one, just maybe. So I need to tell you how was my experience doing this, because I had never did something like this, well in the past I wrote a journal in English, but I just wrote three or four pages ¬¬ so it doesn’t count.

I have to say that this activity in the beginning I just did it because I was obliged to do it, but the blogs’ idea started to turn it in something that I like to do and I don’t think it was bored; actually it was a great opportunity to learn how to make a phrase and more vocabulary.

I really enjoy the time that I spend in this activity; I love to share my opinion with my classmates and read their ones, with this I knew people that I never talk, so I never heard what they think about different kinds of topics and I discovered that our opinions are very similar.

This tool was a good idea to learn English; it was funniest, because all of us have something to say, making it easier than other tools to learn.

I hope that all of my classmates have enjoyed this blogger experience like me, and learn more English, because it is a language very important for our develop in the future, and because it is a nice language.

I hope you have liked my blog and my post!

See you soon!

Appreciate that…

This is the end...

Hi to everyone who see my blog!

This post maybe would be the last one, just maybe. So I need to tell you how was my experience doing this, because I had never did something like this, well in the past I wrote a journal in English, but I just wrote three or four pages ¬¬ so it doesn’t count.

I have to say that this activity in the beginning I just did it because I was obliged to do it, but the blogs’ idea started to turn it in something that I like to do and I don’t think it was bored; actually it was a great opportunity to learn how to make a phrase and more vocabulary.

I really enjoy the time that I spend in this activity; I love to share my opinion with my classmates and read their ones, with this I knew people that I never talk, so I never heard what they think about different kinds of topics and I discovered that our opinions are very similar.

This tool was a good idea to learn English; it was funniest, because all of us have something to say, making it easier than other tools to learn.

I hope that all of my classmates have enjoyed this blogger experience like me, and learn more English, because it is a language very important for our develop in the future, and because it is a nice language.

I hope you have liked my blog and my post!

See you soon!

Appreciate that…

This is the end...

Hi to everyone who see my blog!

This post maybe would be the last one, just maybe. So I need to tell you how was my experience doing this, because I had never did something like this, well in the past I wrote a journal in English, but I just wrote three or four pages ¬¬ so it doesn’t count.

I have to say that this activity in the beginning I just did it because I was obliged to do it, but the blogs’ idea started to turn it in something that I like to do and I don’t think it was bored; actually it was a great opportunity to learn how to make a phrase and more vocabulary.

I really enjoy the time that I spend in this activity; I love to share my opinion with my classmates and read their ones, with this I knew people that I never talk, so I never heard what they think about different kinds of topics and I discovered that our opinions are very similar.

This tool was a good idea to learn English; it was funniest, because all of us have something to say, making it easier than other tools to learn.

I hope that all of my classmates have enjoyed this blogger experience like me, and learn more English, because it is a language very important for our develop in the future, and because it is a nice language.

I hope you have liked my blog and my post!

See you soon!

Appreciate that…

jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

My ideal job!

Hi everyone who see my blog!

Today I am going to talk to you about my ideal job. Truly I don’t have a specific one, but I will try to imagine in what kind of job I would feel good.

My ideal job maybe would be one which doesn’t exist because there I wouldn’t have a boss =D I would be my own boss and my employees… mm … No! I wouldn’t have ones, just partners.

In my ideal job I would do things for the people’s well-being, knowing the people's reality and what they need for their develop, so the kind of job I want to do will be approach in the society, to resolve their problems with efficient measures and not just for a while.

For a social job I will need to learn how to run my ideas and propose, because to manage the future of the people’s future it isn’t a game.

I will be good in this job because I always feel worried about the problems of our world, when I say this I don’t just talk about the people’s well-being, I think also in the world care.

It isn’t difficult to find, we just have to look for a little and we will find a lot of anonymous groups which work without an economic interest.

Well that’s it! I hope do what I want, and never loose my hope.


jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

A Cristóbal's blog review

Hi there!

Today I am going to do a review about classmate’s blog; he would be Cristóbal “turrón” especially the post about his favorite piece of technology entitled “My favorite piece of technology”, he chose his car, because it makes him more independent than the people who don’t have a car and it gives him autonomy. I think a car is too unnecessary when it doesn’t is “familiar” because a personal car at our age just make us more lazy, because we have the public transport. Ok!! I know how awful is this, but I think to walk is very good for us. I don’t like contaminate just for contaminate, and a car doesn’t contaminate only with pollution, it does it with noise and traffic.

In general I think the Cristóbal’s blog is a little ugly, because it is too untidy, so when I see his blog I don’t feel motivated to spend time there ( Sorry!), but I have to say that I also think that your opinions have many things that I agree, and it in general are right…

That’s it!

I hope don’t make you mad Cristobal! =D


jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

Shall we dance?

Hi everyone!

Today I heard a Sir Ken robinson talking about education, and the topic was..."School Kills Cretivity".

He said that the actual education limit our faculties of creation and focus on the practise subjects.

I am totaly agree with him, because I always believe that, not only the eduacation also society, have a bad idea of creative careers like theater, dance, music, etc. Because this are not profitable,and we think that these are just for to suffer misfortune.

Many people see the creativity just like a hobby, even when they have talent or flair to develop it. And if they will decide to do this hobby a real work their environment say them "Are you sure?" or "Do you know how difficult is that live?", they never said "Congratulations!" or "I will see you on Broadway"...just a word to encourage them.

I think that the creativity in our lifes make it more easy to going and we don't just think in how hard is our life.

So I agree with a school revolution!

see you!

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

The dark Chilean politicians

I don’t have a good opinion of the Chilean politics because I think that there are many people, for not to say all, who just are there for their own benefit and they don’t have a real interest on the Chilean people.

So I will change all of these politics, who are in the power just for the power… and money. I would replace for young people, because as a young we fight for our ideals, and these are stronger than the old politicians, because their ideals were corrupt for the long time that they have been in the power.

I don’t believe in any politicians, I don’t have a favorite one… but I have to say that I don’t hate politic, just the people who make it.

If my idea would be done I think many people, people who really do things for the progress of our country, would be interested in to take part in the Chilean politics and the people who was disappointed for who represented their angry in the dictatorship maybe could believe in the “democracy”.

That’s it.

Appreciate that…