jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

Shall we dance?

Hi everyone!

Today I heard a Sir Ken robinson talking about education, and the topic was..."School Kills Cretivity".

He said that the actual education limit our faculties of creation and focus on the practise subjects.

I am totaly agree with him, because I always believe that, not only the eduacation also society, have a bad idea of creative careers like theater, dance, music, etc. Because this are not profitable,and we think that these are just for to suffer misfortune.

Many people see the creativity just like a hobby, even when they have talent or flair to develop it. And if they will decide to do this hobby a real work their environment say them "Are you sure?" or "Do you know how difficult is that live?", they never said "Congratulations!" or "I will see you on Broadway"...just a word to encourage them.

I think that the creativity in our lifes make it more easy to going and we don't just think in how hard is our life.

So I agree with a school revolution!

see you!

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